Steve Wood
Senior Strategist, Europe and U.K.
Steve worked for the UK data protection regulator (the ICO) for 15 years, six of those as Deputy Information Commissioner, leading on policy and strategy. During this time he was also Chair of the OECD Working Party on Data Governance and Privacy, and the UK Representative on the European Data Protection Board. Steve now works as a consultant and researcher – he is the founder of PrivacyX Consulting and a Visiting Policy Fellow at the Oxford Internet Institute.

Steve Wood
Senior Strategist, Europe and U.K.
Steve worked for the UK data protection regulator (the ICO) for 15 years, six of those as Deputy Information Commissioner, leading on policy and strategy. During this time he was also Chair of the OECD Working Party on Data Governance and Privacy, and the UK Representative on the European Data Protection Board. Steve now works as a consultant and researcher – he is the founder of PrivacyX Consulting and a Visiting Policy Fellow at the Oxford Internet Institute.